Birnbeck House Association

Housing Associations and Trusts

 Housing, Housing Association, supported housing, mental health, Asperger Syndrome, autism, shared houses, self-contained flats, local housing, Special Needs

Birnbeck House Association

850 Finchley Road, London, NW11 6BB  (Show me directions)

020 873...Landline    Landline   


About Us

We have been working for over 20 years housing vulnerable groups and in recent years our development programme has been targeted at housing for people with special needs. In 1997 The Brunswick Park Gardens Scheme opened in Barnet providing 23 units of shared housing and I bedroom flats for people with mental health problems. Since 1991 we have been providing housing for people with autism and Asperger Syndrome, in London, Birmingham, Berkshire, Gloucestershire and Hampshire.


For far too long people with autism and Asperger Syndrome or mental health related problems have not had appropriate local housing and support. Birnbeck intends to make the difference, turning need into provision.


Birnbeck began as a provider of affordable accommodation for those in general housing and social need. In recent years we have responded to meet the specific requirements of those with special needs in an appropriate and cost effective way.


Our supported housing project in North West London, comprising two shared houses and six self-contained flats, provides homes for 23 people with enduring mental health problems. Five full-time staff offer ongoing client centred support, liaising closely with the local community mental health team. Service user involvement is positively encouraged, as are self-referrals.


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