

1 Factory Street, Shepshed, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE12 9AQ  (Show me directions)

01509 5...Landline    Landline   

01509 650413    01509 650413   



foxprintshepshed   @foxprint_leics  


Foxprint Your Print Solutions

Foxprint are an established, high quality printing company servicing businesses of all sizes throughout the UK. Our focus on exceptional customer service enables us to respond to all of your printing and finishing needs quickly, consistently and to the highest possible standards.

No matter how big or small your requirements are, we work with you to ensure a complete, cost effective print service and the same high standards on every design &/or print solution. Whether it’s a run of a million


Gavin Wells

(Managing Director)

Anne-mari Niemela

(Managing Director)

Ann Mari Niemela

(Managing Director)

Ann-mari Niemela

(Managing Director)

Ms Anne-Mari Niemela

(Managing Director)

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